Organic Whole Milk Thistle Seeds

Also Known As : Marian thistle, St. Mary’s thistle.
Technical Name : Silybum marianum


Taste Profile

The seeds have oily, sweet and bitter taste.

Usage Tips

  1. The seeds can be eaten plain, roasted or sprinkle over salad.
  2. Milk thistle seeds may be roasted and used as a coffee substitute.
  3. Dried seeds can be used as a tincture or tea.
  4. They can also be used as a substitute or mixed in with flax, sesame, hemp or others for added flavor and nutrition.


Milk Thistle is a herbaceous annual or biennial plant with a dense-prickly flower head and reddish-purple tubular flowers. It is native to the Mediterranean region and has been naturalized in Central Europe, North and South America, and Southern Australia. The seeds are most commonly used to make medicine as they are very effective in detoxifying and supporting the liver.

Selection Guide

Make sure to buy fresh pack of seeds whenever possible. You can ensure this by buying tranparent packs of seeds and reading the labels carefully in case of opaque packets. Prefer to buy the seeds from trusted brands only,

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