Oyster Mushrooms


Taste Profile

They have a mild and nutty, seafood-like flavor.

Usage Tips

  1. Oyster Mushrooms can be fried, stir-fried or braised.
  2. They can be added to egg dishes, tarts, pasta, lasagna, sauces, chowders or pizza.

Common names and forms

  1. Indian Oyster Mushroom


Oyster Mushrooms are medium to large sized mushrooms with very short or non-existent stem. The caps are broad and have curled edges and its color varies from dark gray, brown, tan, pink, to yellow. The white gills extend from beneath the cap and have firm, meaty flesh.

Health benefits

  • Oyster Mushrooms provide fiber, potassium, vitamin B6 and D and folate.(1)
  • Ergothioneine, an antioxidant present in these mushrooms help to decrease inflammation in the body.(1)

Selection Guide

Select firm and white Oyster Mushrooms and use them immediately as they are highly perishable.

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