
Also Known As : Papadum


Taste Profile

They are crispy and spicy in taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Papad can be served as a starter or as a snack with salsa or pickle or chutney.
  2. They can also be served as an accompaniment with any meal.

Common names and forms

  1. Fried papad
  2. Pappadam


Papad are thin, crispy, round-shaped food made of dried lentils. It is either fried or roasted. They come in various sizes, shapes and textures.There are variety of papad available in market like bikaneri papad, fried papad, roasted papad, moon papad, kerala papadum,crushed papad etc.

Health benefits

  • Papad are rich in protein and dietary fiber.(1)
  • They are gluten-free.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose papad that are dry and not stuck with each other or broken.


Papad are high in sodium that may cause hypertension and heart diseases. They can also cause hyperacidity in digestive system.(2)

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