
Technical Name : Pastinaca sativa


Taste Profile

Parsnips are sweet in taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Parsnips are used to make pickles, salads, and vegetable soups.
  2. Parsnips can also to used to prepare side dishes.

Common names and forms

  1. Parsnip Blossom


Parsnip is a root vegetable with cream coloured skin that belongs to carrot and parsley family.

Health benefits

  • Parsnip contains potassium which helps to reduce blood pressure by preventing the arteries and veins from tightening.(1)
  • It also helps to reduce cholesterol levels.(1)
  • It also lowers the chances of developing diabetes.(1)
  • Parsnip contains iron and vitamin C and B9 which helps to prevent anemia.(1)
  • Consumption of parsnip makes bones and teeth healthy and strong.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose the parsnips that are very white with intact roots and not shriveled.


Parsnips might cause allergy in some people. It can cause rashes or burning sensation on the lips, mouth, and throat.(2)

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