Partially Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil


Usage Tips

  1. Partially Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil can be used as cooking oil.
  2. It can be used in margarine, shortening and processed snacks.


Cottonseed oil is the oil extracted from the seeds of cotton plants, mainly Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium herbaceum. It is extracted from the kernel in the processing of oil-bearing kernel surrounded by a hard outer hull. Partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil is the one that has partially undergone a chemical process where it changed from a room-temperature liquid state into a solid. It has soft, white material like texture. Cottonseed oil contains 18 percent monounsaturated fat that increases to 50 percent when partially hydrogenated. It is quite commonly seen at the back of the packaging of processed food and snacks. It is usually preferred by snack makers and bakers to extend the shelf life. It is used to replace butter, lard, palm oil, coconut oil, hard fats available in processed food by bakers and snack manufacturers.

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