Pea Protein Concentrate

Also Known As : Pea protein powder



Pea protein concentrate is obtained by separating the protein of peas seeds from the fibre and starch . Two main processes used for this are Dry process an wet process.In dry process, dehulling process is done followed by fine grinding of peas resulting in pea protein concentrate with particles of various sizes and densities. In wet process, the pea powder is hydrated and fibre and starch are separated. The protein part is then flocculated and spray-dried. Pea protein concentrates are mostly used for human food, in petfoods and aquafeeds. It is vegan-friendly, gluten-free, dairy-free and hypoallergenic.

Health benefits

  • Pea protein concentrate is rich in protein and thus very helpful in building muscle mass especially when paired with consistent exercise.(1)
  • It is a good option for increasing protein intake in the diet and promoting feelings of fullness after meals.(1)
  •  It can reduce certain risk factors for heart disease, like high cholesterol and high blood pressure.(1)

Selection Guide

Pea protein concentrate is mostly added to smoothies and shakes to increase protein consumption.


Pea protein concentrate may contain high levels of sodium. Hence, people on a sodium-restricted diet may need to restrict their intake.(2)

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