
Also Known As : Pig meat


Usage Tips

  1. Pork can be baked, roasted and stir-fried.
  2. It can simply be cooked in vegetables and seasoned with salt and pepper.
  3. It can also be added to sandwiches, tacos, soups and salads.


Pork is the meat of pig which is eaten as a food. Pork is usually produced from a six to seven month old pig. It is processed to different types of products like ham, bacon and sausage.

Health benefits

  • Pork is great source of protein, iron and vitamin B12.(1)
  • It is rich source of beta-alanine which is very helpful to improve physical performance.(1)

Selection Guide

Look for pinkish red color. Avoid pork meat that is pale in color and has liquid in package. Always look for marbling on pork meat.


Pork can be transmitter of hepatitis E, virus which can cause enlargement of liver, liver failure and sometimes death. Eating pork can also cause yersinia, an infection which can cause fever, pain, bloody diarrhea.(2)

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