Proso Millet

Also Known As : Common millet, Hog millet, Russian millet, broomcorn millet, white millet, Kashif millet
Technical Name : Panicum miliaceum


Usage Tips

  1. It can be ground into flour, used to bake flatbreads, make tabbouleh, or for brewing beer.

Common names and forms

  1. Baragu
  2. Panivaragu (Proso Millet)
  3. Proso Millets Whole


Proso millet is a unique Indian Millet that was domesticated as a crop somewhere around thousands of years ago, in China. This millet is now cultivated in India, the Middle East, Turkey, Russia and the United States. Proso millet is sold as a health food due to lack of gluten and can be incorporated into the diets of people who are wheat intolerant. It comes in various colors, from brownish black through olive brown, orange-red, golden and light cream. This millet is also rich in minerals, dietary fiber, polyphenols, vitamins and proteins. 

Health benefits

  1. Proso millet is rich in magnesium which helps to lower the blood pressure and also decreases the chances of strokes, heart attacks and atherosclerosis. It is a good source of potassium which helps to maintain low blood pressure as it acts as a vasodilator. (1)

  2. The high amount of fiber found in Millet helps to lower the cholesterol. Dietary fiber helps to eradicate the bad cholesterol from the body and promotes the good cholesterol level.  (1)

  3. It helps to reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes as it possesses an adequate amount of magnesium. Magnesium is the vital mineral that helps to increase efficiency of glucose and insulin receptors in the body and prevents this disease from occurring. (1)

  4. Researchers suggest that women who consume Millet, their risk of getting breast cancer was reduced by 50%. (1)

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