Pure Ceylon Black Tea

Also Known As : Sri Lankan tea


Taste Profile

It has strong taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Ceylon black tea can be served as iced tea.
  2. Milk can be added to the tea to mellow the flavour and reduce any bitterness.
  3. A small amount of lemon juice can be added when serving cold without milk.


Pure ceylon black tea is grown at a high altitude in Sri Lanka’s central highlands, which are characterised by low temperatures, high humidity and abundant rainfall. This tea has a citrusy aroma and a refreshing texture. There are different types of pure ceylon black tea such as high-grown teas, middle-grown teas and low-grown teas.

Health benefits

  • Pure ceylon black tea contains antioxidants which may help to lower bad cholesterol and blood pressure.(1)
  • Drinking ceylon black tea on a regular basis may help in weight loss.(1)
  • It has diuretic properties which can help in lowering blood sugar levels and helps to remove toxins from the body.(1)
  • It also contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which can help to improve immune system.(1)
  • The high content of antioxidants also help to prevent damage caused by free radicals.(1)

Selection Guide

Buy pure ceylon black tea from good brand. Also look on the label for expiry date.


Those who are intolerant to caffeine should not consume ceylon black tea as it may cause headaches, nervousness, difficulty in sleeping and insomnia. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their doctors before adding ceylon black tea in their diet.(2)

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