Pure Raw Peanut Kernel with Skin


Taste Profile

They have a nutty taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Pure Raw Peanut Kernel with Skin can be eaten raw or roasted.
  2. It can be tossed into salads. It can also be added to sauteed chicken and vegetables.
  3. It can be inculcated in chocolates and sweets as well.


Pure Raw Peanut Kernel with Skin are oval shaped seeds that consist of two off-white lobes, covered by a brownish-red skin. They grow underground in a veined brown shell and each shell contains two or three kernels.

Health benefits

  • Pure raw peanut kernel with skin contains an antioxidant named resveratrol that reduces the chances of stroke.(1)
  • It contains tryptophan that releases such chemicals that fight against depression.(1)
  • It helps to protect against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease.(1)
  • It reduces cholesterol levels in the body that reduces the risk of heart ailments.(1)

Selection Guide

Make sure peanut kernels are fresh and don't smell rancid or musty. Also, there should not be any evidence of moisture in them.

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