
Taste Profile

All-purpose flours impart a milky flavor to the pooris while the whole wheat puris have a more nutty aroma.

Usage Tips

  1. Puri can be eaten with many savory accompaniments, including korma, chana masala, dal, potato-based curries (for example, saagu, bhaji, bhujia, Aloo ki tarkari, shaak, and sambharo), shrikhand and basundi.
  2. In the South of India, puri is almost always made for tiffin, and on the east coast (Andhra, Tamil Nadu) it's rarely eaten with non-vegetarian dishes.
  3. Puri is also eaten with sweet accompaniments, such as kheer or halwa.

Common names and forms

  1. For puri
  2. Multigrain Puri
  3. Poori


Puri is a deep-fat fried bread made from unleavened whole-wheat flour and is usually served with a savory curry or bhaji. Puris are most commonly served as breakfast and snacks. When multigrain flour is used in the preparation of puri, its called as multigrain puris.It is also served at special or ceremonial functions as part of ceremonial rituals along with other vegetarian food offered in prayer as prasadam. Usually it is made from whole wheat flour only but in some recipes, ajwain, cumin seed, spinach, or fenugreek seeds are added to the dough. The dough is either rolled out in a small circle or rolled out and cut out in small circles, then deep fried in ghee or vegetable oil. When they are golden-brown in color, they are removed and served hot.

To make puri at home, mix whole wheat flour, oil, salt and work it into hard dough. Knead for a few minutes and rest the dough for 30 minutes. Divide the dough into small balls and roll out the balls into circles with a rolling pin. In a deep skillet heat oil. Once heated, drop in a poori and spoon hot oil on it continually until it puffs up. Then gently turn it upside down and let it fry till golden brown.

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