Raising Agent INS341(ii)

Also Known As : Calcium hydrogen phosphate, Anhydrous Dibasic Calcium Phosphate


Usage Tips

  1. Raising Agent INS341(ii) can be used to increase dough volume by producing carbon dioxide gas.
  2. It can be added to baked goods like bread, cupcakes, sponges and cakes.

Common names and forms

  1. Emulsifier (E341(ii))
  2. Stabiliser E341(ii)
  3. Tricacium Phosphate INS 341 (ii)


Raising Agent INS341(ii) is an inorganic compound, commonly found as a monohydrate. It is a subclass of calcium phosphates and is available in the form of colorless solid. It is used as a leavening agent (An agent which reacts chemically to release carbon dioxide). Bubbles are obtained of carbon dioxide which adds air to the baking mixture, which is then baked and the air bubbles become locked into the protein structure of the sponge creating the fluffy and tasty baked goods.

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