Re-Hydrating Agent (E491)

Also Known As : Sorbitan monostearate


Usage Tips

  1. Re-Hydrating Agent (E491) is used as a food additive in the form of a rehydrating agent in active yeast used in bakery products.

Common names and forms

  1. Emulsifying & Stabilizing Agents (INS 491)
  2. Sorbiton Monostearate
  3. Stabilizing Agent (INS 491)


Re-Hydrating Agent (E491), also known as sorbitan monostearate can be made from direct esterification of sorbitol and stearic acid. It is a white to yellow waxy bead or flake with a slight characteristic smell. Considering its constituents it would be safe to say that sorbitan monostearate is likely to be vegan. And if it isn’t fully vegan, then still, the amount of animal-derived material in the product is likely to be quite low. Some of the common foods to include sorbitan monostearate are cake icing, pudding, imitation whipped cream, non-dairy creamers, yeast, and baked goods.

Selection Guide

Look for the expiration date on the label of Re-Hydrating Agent (E491).

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