
Taste Profile

They are slightly astringent when raw, but are nutty and mild, like spinach.

Usage Tips

  1. They can be eaten fresh or cooked like spinach and can also be added to salads or soups.
  2. They goes well with flavors like soy sauce, lemon, mushrooms, oregano, dill, cumin, goat cheese, bacon, ham, poultry, anchovies, garlic, onion, sesame seeds, parmesan, ricotta, mustard, walnuts and curries.

Common names and forms

  1. Laal saag


Red amaranth is a leaf vegetable. It produces feathery purple, magenta or red flowers from the central stalk which is packed with edible seeds. Though the flower buds are edible, once they are fully grown and become bushy they are not palatable and should be avoided. Its stems and leaves have a hoarse texture and are completely edible. It is native to America. It is available year-round with peak season in the spring and summer.

Health benefits

  • Red Amaranth is a good source of protein.(1)
  • It helps to cure diarrhoea and also helps in stopping bleeding.(1)
  • It also helps in treating skin problems like black heads and oily skin.(1)

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