Red Cabbage

Also Known As : Purple cabbage, Red kraut
Technical Name : Brassica oleracea var. capitata f.rubra


Taste Profile

It has mild peppery flavour.

Usage Tips

  1. Red cabbage can be used raw for making salads and coleslaw or it can be cooked as a vegetable.
  2. It can also be served as a side dish to a meat preparations.
  3. It can also be steamed and used for dumpling fillings too.

Common names and forms

  1. Purple cabbage


Red cabbage is a leafy cruciferous vegetable with red purple leaves. It grows in fully fertilized soil and good humidity. It turns blue on cooking. It can be found in Europe, America, China and Africa.

Health benefits

  • Red cabbage contains antioxidants in high amount which helps in preventing cancer.(1)
  • It contains Vitamin A which is very good for skin health.(1)
  • Vitamin A present in it helps in preventing macular degeneration and cataract formation in the eye.(1)
  • Glutamine amino acid present in it helps in reducing inflammation caused by ulcers in the gastrointestinal system.(1)
  • Vitamin C present in it helps in boosting overall immunity of the body.(1)
  • It is rich in calcium and magnesium which helps in bone growth and reduces the risk of osteoporosis and arthritis.(1)

Selection Guide

Look for shiny and bright cabbage having deep maroonish purple color. The leaves should be crispy and not soft. Also avoid buying rotten cabbage.


Diabetic patients should check their consumption of red cabbage as it affects the blood sugar level. Nursing infants can develop colic if the mothers consume it.(2)

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