Rice Bran

Also Known As : Brown rice bran, Cereal bran
Technical Name : Oryza sativa


Taste Profile

It has a mild flavour and neutral taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Rice bran can be added to cereals and flour.
  2. It can be used to make gingerbread, rice bran muffins.
  3. It can be used to make pancakes.


Rice bran is the outer layer of the grain of rice. It is often removed in the milling process and used as a animal feed. It is becoming popular in human diets also due to its nutritional value. It is commonly used to extract oil.

Health benefits

  • Rice bran is beneficial to treat diabetes and high blood pressure levels.(1)
  • It helps in preventing stomach and colon cancer.(1)
  • It helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases as well.(1)
  • Rice bran also helps in strengthening immune system.(1)
  • It has an antioxidants which can improve liver functions.(1)


Those who have digestive tract issues such as intestinal ulcers and slow digestion should not use rice bran. It might cause choking as well.(2)​

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