
Technical Name : Coffea canephora


Taste Profile

It has a strong taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Milled robusta is used for making coffee.
  2. It can be used to flavor desserts as well.


Robusta are coffee beans grown from coffea canephora plant. These beans grow on lower altitudes and are high in caffeine and low in sugar. These are used primarily in other instant coffee powders.

Health benefits

  • Consumption of robusta can help decrease risk of liver cancer and type2 diabetes.(1)
  • It helps in weight loss as well.(1)
  • Antioxidants present in it helps in boosting memory and reduces the risk of diseases like parkinson's and alzheimer's disease.(1)
  • It helps in preventing gallstones.(1)
  • It helps in protecting against cardiovascular diseases.(1)

Selection Guide

Always look for dry and light colored coffee bean.

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