
Also Known As : Morning glory, Speed wheel, Aloe weed
Technical Name : Convolvulus pluricaulis


Taste Profile

It has a bitter taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Shankhpushpi, in the powdered form, can be added to milk or warm water.
  2. Its fruit can also be consumed as a vegetable.

Common names and forms

  1. Organic Shankhpushpi
  2. Shankhapushpi
  3. Shankhpuspi


Shankhpushpi is a perennial herb that belongs to the Convolvulaceae family and is native to India. "Shankh" means conch and pushpi means "flowers" and these together means flowers that resemble the shape of a conch shell. It is grown in India and Burma and is widely popular in Ayurveda. Its branches are spread on the ground and can be more than 30cm long. It has bulb-shaped blue or white flowers and the leaves are elliptic in shape. It looks quite like the common morning glory. The plant also has small, oily and shiny brown-colored fruits. It is purely used for medicinal purposes, particularly for brain tonics. It is also used as a vegetable in some regions of India.

Health benefits

  • Shankhpushpi has powerful antioxidants and flavonoids which improve memory capacity, focus, calmness, and alertness of an individual.(1)
  • It is a very food memory booster which helps to reduce mental fatigue.(1)
  • It has anti-stress, antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties which can treat depression, dementia, and restlessness.(1)
  • It also helps in enhancing cardiac functions by strengthening the heart muscles.(1)
  • It is beneficial for improving digestion and prevents fluid retention, abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome.(1)

Selection Guide

It is available as fruit, and as tonics or powder for medicinal purposes. Choose it according to the requirement.


People with low blood pressure should be careful while consuming shankhpushpi as it tends to lower the blood pressure. Pregnant and lactating women should not consume it.(2)

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