Snake Gourd

Also Known As : Serpent Gourd, Chiching, Tori
Technical Name : Trichosanthes cucumerina


Taste Profile

It tastes slightly bitter as it matures.

Usage Tips

  1. Snake Gourd can be added to curries and sauteed vegetables.
  2. It can be eaten roasted.
  3. It can also be used to make pickles.

Common names and forms

  1. Gilk
  2. Nenua
  3. Pudalangaai (Snakeguard)
  4. Ridge gourd
  5. Torai
  6. Turai


Snake Gourd is a long and curved vegetable which hangs on vines. It has light green colored skin with stripes on it and some hard seeds inside. It is available from late fall to summer season.

Health benefits

  • Snake Gourd acts as a expectorant which helps in improving respiratory congestion.(1)
  • Fiber present in it acts as a mild laxative which helps in treating digestive disorders.(1)
  • It contains high level of carotenoids which is very good for skin and hair.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose Snake Gourd with smooth, firm skin and avoid if it is bruised, wilted or soft.

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