
Taste Profile

Sorbic acid has a acrid odor and acid taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Sorbic acid and it's salts are antimicrobial agents often used as preservatives in food and drinks to prevent the growth of molds, yeasts and fungi.

Common names and forms

  1. Sorbic Acid E200


Sorbic acid is a natural organic compound used as a food preservative. It is a colourless solid that is slightly soluble in water and sublimes readily. It was first isolated from the unripe berries of the sorbus aucuparia(rowan tree), hence it's name.

Selection Guide

Check the composition and date of packaging carefully while buying sorbic acid.


Sorbic acid can cause allergic reactions that can inturn cause you to go in shock, or get rashes and experience nausea, sore throat, blurred vision and burning sensation.(1)

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