
Usage Tips

  1. Spaghetti pasta can be prepared by tossing it with garlic and olive oil.
  2. Parmesan cheese, fresh vegetables and tomato sauce can be added to prepare spaghetti.
  3. Spaghetti can be served with meat and seafood.

Common names and forms

  1. Boiled spaghetti


Spaghetti is a white, starchy pasta that is made in the form of thin, long strings. It is made from wheat and water. It is a staple food of Italian cuisine.

Health benefits

  • Spaghetti pasta contains carbohydrates which provides energy to the body.(1)
  • It is a source of fibre which which helps to regulate blood sugar levels, digestion.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose spaghetti pasta from reputed brands to ensure its quality. Avoid if it is broken.

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