
Also Known As : Garden mint
Technical Name : Mentha spicata


Taste Profile

It has sweet and cool flavour.

Usage Tips

  1. It can be used to flavour beverages, to make dips, sauces and for garnishing dishes.

Common names and forms

  1. Natural Spearmint Leaves
  2. Organic Spearmint
  3. Organic Spearmint Leaf
  4. Spearmint Leaves


Spearmint is a aromatic herb of the mint family, with square shaped stem, broad leafs and white or pink flowers. It is pleasant-smelling species of mint which is used for its edible leaves.

Health benefits

  • It has antibacterial properties which help fighting with mouth and throat infections.(1)
  • It gives freshness to breath.(1)
  • It has natural soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.(1)
  • It helps in digestion.(1)
  • Iron present in it helps in production of red blood cells and hemoglobin.(1)
  • It is a good stressbuster.(1)

Selection Guide

Choose fresh leaves over dried for better flavour.


Excessive use of spearmint can cause damage to uterus during pregnancy. It can cause kidney disorders and liver disease.(2)

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