Spelt flour

Also Known As : Hulled wheat, Dinkel wheat
Technical Name : Triticum spelta


Taste Profile

It is slightly sweet in taste along with nutty flavour.

Usage Tips

  1. Spelt flour should be stored in an airtight container, in a cool dry place.
  2. It is preferably used in baking as it gives a very good texture and flavour.It is best to use while baking breads. Likewise, it is also used in the production of pasta, biscuits and breakfast cereals.

Common names and forms

  1. Spelt Flour
  2. Spelt Meal


Triticum spelta vernacularly known as spelt flour draws its existence back to the ancient era, and time and again, it is reviving its popularity. This is regarded as a health food, that is quite commonly being enlisted as a staple diet. This ancient grain is claimed to be more nutritious and healthy than any other modern grain. It is a type of grain that is strongly related to wheat and is considered distinct in its own kind. Since wheat and spelt draws a close proximity, hence their nutritional profile are very much similar, and both contain gluten. However, there is a subtle difference between them, the mineral content of spelt is higher than that of wheat. Spelt is considered to be a helpful diet and is good at curtailing the health problems. Spelts in its original form is light reddish-brown in colour.

Health benefits

  • Improves the cholesterol level : With the abundance of fibre, spelt is regarded as beneficial in cutting down the cholesterol level. While according to past research the soluble dietary fibre has a keen potential of lowering both total and low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol, and this grain is conventionally high in soluble fibre.(1)
  • Reduce blood pressure : As it has already been mentioned that spelts are rich in soluble fibre, their regular consumption significantly reduces hypertension, which is believed an endemic amongst people of all age group. Thus, its consumption is advisable to people dealing with high blood pressure.(1)
  • It helps to reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease and type2 diabetes.(2)

Selection Guide

At the time of purchase, it is recommendable to keep in mind that it should not have a damp smell. 


In spite of its ample health benefits, it is certainly harmful for some people. Gluten intolerance and wheat allergy: Gluten is the name for the mixture of glutenin protein and gliadin found in wheat, spelt, barley, rye. There are a good number of people who are susceptible to the intolerance caused by gluten. This gluten intolerance is called the celiac disease. Therefore people with such intolerance are advised to avoid food that is inherent with gluten. Irritable bowel syndrome: This is a gut disorder, that causes conditions like stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, gas. One of the triggering factor of IBS is a group of short-chain carbs known as FODMAPs. Likewise, wheat, spelt contains a significant amount of FODMAPs which might trigger IBS. Antinutrient in spelts: Unlike most plant food, spelts too contain antinutrients and these perhaps interferes with the digestion and absorption of other nutrients.(3)

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