Sugarcane Juice

Also Known As : Cane juice, Ganne ka ras


Taste Profile

It is sweet in taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Sugarcane juice is consumed as a beverage.
  2. Evaporated sugarcane juice can be used as a sweetener.
  3. It is used as a natural sweetener as a substitute to refined sugar in baked goods.

Common names and forms

  1. Cane Juice
  2. Jaggery (Suger Cane Juice)


Sugarcane juice is the juice extracted from pressed sugarcane which is perennial, tropical grass that grows upto 3 to 4 metres in length. Sugarcane juice is greenish-yellow in color.

Health benefits

  • Sugarcane juice is a good source of iron, protein and carbohydrates that helps to build plasma and body fluid and prevents dryness and fatigue.(1)
  • It helps to strengthen liver and also treats jaundice.(1)
  • It helps to treat urinary tract infections and kidney stones as it is a diuretic.(1)
  • It is rich in minerals that helps to prevent tooth decay and bad breath.(1)
  • It has low glycemic index that regulates blood sugar level.(1)

Selection Guide

Sugarcane juice must be consumed fresh only.


Excessive consumption of sugarcane juice can affect cholesterol levels and can cause blood thinning. It contains policosanol that may cause weight gain, stomach upset, headache, insomnia and dizziness.(2)

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