
Also Known As : Sulfites


Usage Tips

  1. Sulphites are commonly introduced to arrest fermentation at a desired time, and may also be added to wine as preservatives to prevent spoilage and oxidation at several stages of the winemaking.
  2. Sulphites are often used as preservatives in dried fruits, preserved radish, and dried potato products.
  3. In general, white wines contain more sulfites than red wines and sweeter wines contain more sulfites than drier ones.

Common names and forms

  1. Glucose Syrup (Sulphites)
  2. Lemon Juice (Sulphites)
  3. Sulfites


Sulphites are used as a food additive and can also occur naturally in some foods. They are also used as regulated food additives. When in food or drink, sulfites are often lumped together with sulfur dioxide. Sulfites have been used for centuries, mainly as food additives to enhance flavor and preserve freshness. In general, when sulfites are added to foods and drinks, they are safe for most people and come without any health risks. For a small segment of the population, however, there is a risk of sulfite sensitivity or even an allergy to sulfites.

Health benefits



Selection Guide

Read ingredient labels every time you buy or eat a product that contains sulphites. On food labels, sulfites are not always listed as sulfites. It might be present in different names like Sulfur dioxide, Potassium metabisulfite, Potassium bisulfate etc.

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