
Also Known As : Golden raisins, Sultanina, Sultana raisins, Oval-fruited Kishmish (Iran), Lady de Coverly (England), Thompson Seedless (United States)


Taste Profile

Sultana are sweeter and juicer in taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Sultana can be eaten as a snack.
  2. They can also be used in a variety of dishes, such as fruitcake and fruit buns, fruit juice.
  3. Sultana grapes can be used to make white wine.


Sultana are golden-colored dried grapes that are made from green seedless grapes, particularly the Thompson Seedless variety. The skin of Sultana fruits is pale yellow in color. They easily absorb liquid, and are smaller in size.

Health benefits

  • Polyphenic phytonutrients found in them also possess antioxidant properties which protect the body from free radicals.(1)
  • The Oleanolic acid present in sultanas provides protection against cavities and tooth decay, and helps to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria that can cause gingivitis.(1)

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