
Also Known As : Smooth sumac, Upland sumac, Shumac
Technical Name : Rhus coriaria


Taste Profile

It has sour and tangy flavour.

Usage Tips

  1. Sumac can be added to fresh salads, grilled chicken or bread.
  2. It can also be used in puddings and icecream.

Common names and forms

  1. Sumac Berry Granules
  2. Sumac Berry Powder
  3. Sumac Powder


Sumac is a ruby coloured spice that comes from dried and ground sumac berries. It is widely used in middle eastern cuisine.

Health benefits

  • Sumac is a source of vitamin C and antioxidants which is helpful to treat diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.(1)
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties that fights cold and flu.(1)
  • It can be helpful in increasing breast milk.(1)
  • It can also help cure urine infection and digestive problems.(1)

Selection Guide

There are variety of sumac such as winged sumac, sicilian sumac and lemon sumac. All are edible and can be used for cooking.


Sumac belongs to the same family as cashew, poison ivy and mango. Those who are allergic to cashews or mangoes must avoid sumac also. It may cause allergic reactions.(2)

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