
Taste Profile

It has a spicy and tangy taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Tabasco sauce is usually used dressing over burgers, sandwiches, fried chicken, nuggets, cutlets, french fries, pasta, pizza, salads, and so on. It is also used as condiments in various recipes. It is also used for marination with other sauces like barbecue sauce, chipotle etc.

Common names and forms

  1. Tobasco sauce


Tabasco sauce is a spicy sauce that is red in colour. It was originated in the USA and calls for only ‘three ingredients’, red peppers, salt, and vinegar, and it takes at least 3 years to produce. The very first process is to crush the red coloured peppers and leave them to age for three years so that the flavour is enhanced and then when it is done, salt and vinegar is added in it.  It is an ideal condiment to fulfil any spicy needs.

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