
Usage Tips

  1. Tea Powder can be stored in an airtight container, away from sunlight.
  2. Tea powder used to make black tea or milk tea. It can be used to make iced tea as well.
  3. It can be infused in hot water and flavoured with jasmine drops or lemon juice to make jasmine tea or lemon tea.

Common names and forms

  1. Naturally brewed and dried black tea powder
  2. Organic Tea Powder


Tea Powder is a powdered form of tea leaves obtained from the Camellia Sinensis plant. The tea leaves are dried and processed to powder. Tea powder can be in the form of thick granules or fine powder. The flavour, color, aroma, and astringency may vary according to the variety of tea. It is often mixed with dried ginger, cardamom, cloves, black pepper, nutmeg powder and saffron for the additional flavour and aroma. It can be infused with hot water and served with milk and sugar, or without milk as black tea.

Selection Guide

Tea powder is available under different brand and flavours (mixed with dried ginger or cardamom). Make sure the powder is completely dry with no evidence of moisture.

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