Thickening Agent


Usage Tips

  1. Thickening agents can be used in soups, sauces, gravies, stews, pie fillings, jam, jellies, baby formulas and puddings without altering their taste.

Common names and forms

  1. Thickeners


Thickening agent is the edible substances that can increase the viscosity of a liquid without substantially changing its other properties such as taste. The common thickening agents include cornstarch, wheat flour, tapioca starch, agar-agar, pregelatinized starches, arrowroot, gum arabic or acacin, algin, gelatin, and carrageenan. As heat is applied to the starch and water mixture, the viscosity increases. Thickening agents also improve the suspension of other ingredients or emulsions, making the food products more stable. They can be used to add an instant creamy and flavorful texture to sweet and savory applications.

Health benefits


Selection Guide

Look for the expiry date before purchasing thickening agents to make sure they have not expired.

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