
Taste Profile

Tomato juice has tangy flavor.

Usage Tips

  1. In Canada and Mexico, tomato juice is commonly mixed with beer; the concoction is known in Canada as Calgary Red-Eye, and in Mexico as Cerveza preparada.
  2. Tomato juice is the base for the cocktails Bloody Mary and Bloody Caesar, and the cocktail mixer Clamato.
  3. Tomato juice is frequently used as a packing liquid for canned tomatoes, though it is sometimes replaced by tomato purée too.


Tomato juice is a juice made from tomatoes, usually used as a beverage. Tomato juice was first served as a beverage in 1917 as a substitute for orange juice. Raw tomato juice is considered a super food in itself thanks to all the vitamins and minerals present in it. Consuming tomato juice regularly may help stimulate the bowel movement, further preventing constipation and boosting digestion. Tomato juice is rich in fibre and functions as a mild laxative that can help prevent constipation. Consumption of this juice can keep constipation at bay.

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