
Also Known As : Three leaved caper, barun, baruna, borun, crataeva, varun, bonna pithagola.
Technical Name : Crataeva nurvala


Usage Tips

  1. Varuna is used externally as a poultice or consumed internally either as a tea or a tincture.


Varuna is a deciduous tree of moderate size cultivated throughout India especially along streams and rivers. It is found in abundantly in Assam, Bengal, Kerela and Madhya Pradesh.The bark of the Varuna tree is smooth and brown while its branches have white patches tinged with purple and yellow.The leaves of the varuna are trifoliate,having oval leaflets. The flowers are aromatic with yellow or cream color. The fruits are small and ovoid, resembling a lemon and turn red color on maturing .The flowers bloom in March and fruits in June.The main parts of varuna tree used for medicinal purpose are bark, root bark, and leaves.It is widely used in Ayurveda.

Health benefits

  • -Varuna is used in the treatment of stones in kidney, ureters and bladder.(1)
  • It helps to increase appetite while stimulating digestion and elimination. (1)
  • It brings relief in flatulence and abdominal pain. (1)
  • It acts as a blood purifier.(1)


Varuna leaf when applied topically may cause blistering when used on a sensitive skin in humans.(2)

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