Vegan Coconut Milk Powder


Taste Profile

It has a mild sweet taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Vegan Coconut Milk Powder can be used as a substitute to coconut milk or cream in any recipe. It can be added to curries, icecreams, puddings, smoothies and desserts. It can be mixed with hot water and consumed as a milk. It can be used for preparing tea and coffee as well.


Vegan Coconut Milk Powder is non-dairy, completely vegan, plant based powdered coconut milk . The fresh coconut meat is grated and expeller pressed to form a milk, which is then spray dried to produce coconut powder. It can be reconstituted in warm water or blended into liquids.

Selection Guide

Go for vegan coconut milk powder and make sure the label reads "vegan". Also check for the manufacturing and expiry date on the packaging to make sure it has not expired.

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