Vitamin (B Complex)



Vitamin B refers to not one, but eight different vitamins. All B vitamins play a role in converting food into energy in the body. Each vitamin also has a unique role in a person’s health. Vitamin B-1 – thiamin helps in healthy growth and function of organs, including the brain and heart. It is widely found in pork, sunflower seeds and wheat germ. Vitamin B-2 – riboflavin helps in break down of fats and drugs. Foods highest in riboflavin include organ meats, beef and mushrooms. Vitamin B-3 – niacin plays a role in cellular signaling, metabolism and DNA production and repair. Food sources include chicken, tuna and lentils. Vitamin B-5 – pantothenic acid is essential for the health of the brain and nervous system. It is found in Liver, fish, yogurt and avocado. B6 (pyridoxine) is involved in amino acid metabolism, red blood cell production and the creation of neurotransmitters. Foods highest in this vitamin include chickpeas, salmon and potatoesVitamin B-7 – biotin is essential for carbohydrate and fat metabolism and regulates gene expression. Yeast, eggs, salmon, cheese and liver are among the best food sources of biotin. Vitamin B-9 – folic acid is needed for cell growth, amino acid metabolism, the formation of red and white blood cells and proper cell division. Foods like leafy greens, liver and beans are its good sources. Vitamin B-12 – cobalamin is vital for neurological function, DNA production and red blood cell development. B12 is found naturally in animal sources like meats, eggs, seafood and dairy.

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