White mustard seeds

Also Known As : Moutarde blanche, Senape biancha, Gorchitsa belaya
Technical Name : Sinapis alba


Taste Profile

 White mustard seeds are milder than brown or black mustard seeds.

Usage Tips

  1. White mustard seeds can be toasted to add to dishes or used for pickling.
  2. Mustard seeds can be ground to make homemade mustard condiments.
  3. White mustard seeds are also ground to make a yellow mustard condiment.


Mustard seeds are the small round seeds of various mustard plants. Mustard seeds are used as a spice in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh. The seeds are usually fried until they pop. Yellow mustard, also known as white mustard comes from the seeds of the white mustard plant. The white mustard plant bears light tan seeds that are a little larger than brown mustard seeds. These end up as the bright yellow mustard due to the addition of turmeric or dye. It is the most widely grown type of mustard and has the mildest flavour.

The origin 

The white mustard plant originated in the Mediterranean area and can be cultivated in colder climates as well as warmer climates, which may be a factor in its popularity.

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