White Sesame

Also Known As : Safed Til, Teel
Technical Name : Sesamum indicum


Taste Profile

It has subtle-nutty taste.

Usage Tips

  1. White sesame seeds are be roasted and eaten as snack.
  2. It can also be added to breads, cookies, salad dressing, and vegetables dishes.
  3. White sesame seeds can be added to curries, stir-fries, desserts and dips.
  4. They can also be added to rice dishes in a roasted form.
  5. They can be used to prepare halwa, ladoo and barfi as well.

Common names and forms

  1. Dried White Sesame Seeds
  2. White Sesame Seeds


White sesame seeds are the hulled seeds obtained from the flowering plant Sesamum. They are small, oval shaped flat seeds. They are whitish-cream colour as their light brown outer covering or shell is removed in the hulling process. White sesame seeds are quite common in western and middle eastern. They are considered as an ingredient in dishes and are also used in oil form.

Health benefits

  • White sesame seeds have good amount of fibre which helps to prevent gastrointestinal issues and cancer.(1)
  • It helps to increase metabolic activity and promotes cellular growth.(1)
  • White sesame seeds help to reduce bad cholesterol levels and keeps the heart healthy.(1)
  • It strengthens bones and joints as well.(1)
  • It also prevents the signs of premature ageing and keeps the skin young and fresh.(1)

Selection Guide

Purchase white sesame seeds in small quantities and use them quickly as they have high oil content that will make them rancid quickly. Also make sure there is no moisture in the seeds. Go for clean seeds, free from dust and debris. Check for the "use-by" date on the packaging of white sesame seeds.


Over consumption of sesame seeds can cause irregular bowel movements and colon irritation.(2)

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