
Also Known As : Suran, Greater yam, Ten-months yam, Guyana arrowroot, Water yam, Winged yam, White yam, Simply yam, Asiatic yam, Name-de-agua, Ten-months yam, Yam
Technical Name : Dioscorea alata


Taste Profile

Yams have a drier starchy flavour.

Usage Tips

  1. At the time of the preparation, it is not necessary to peel them, rather it can be scrubbed to remove the blemishes. They are consumed in cooked form and in this form the carotenoids re more available. While, when boiled or steamed the level of oxalates is minimised. Moreover, it should be served whole or mashed. Like it can be baked, braised, boiled, steamed, microwaved, roasted, stir-fried and stewed.
  2. It should be refrigerated in plastic bags.

Common names and forms

  1. Yam Pieces


Yam is generally the name given to various plant spices in the genus Dioscorea including Dioscorea alata (white yam), Dioscorea bulbifera (potato yam), Dioscorea cayenensis (yellow yam), Dioscorea esculenta (Asiatic yam) and Dioscorea batatas (Chinese yam) that are cultivated for their edible tubers. Although these species are not the same as the sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas, perhaps which is referred to as a yam in the United States. These are herbaceous annual or perennials with climbing or trailing vines. These vines are usually smooth or prickly, reaching 10 m or more in length depending on the variety. The leaves of the plant are usually oval to heart-shaped with petioles, which happen to be of the same length or slightly longer, than the leaf blade itself. While some varieties have spikes at the base of the leaves. Yams are usually annual plants that are harvested after one season, but some of them are perennial. The origination of the yam is not certain. Yams are said to have an earthy flavour with a hardy taste, but when cooked they turn creamy and firm. 

Health benefits

  • Yams are great for curing skin problem, its been traditionally used as medicines in Japan, China.  It has cell proliferate and allantoin that quickens up the healing process when applied topically on boils, ulcers and other skin ailments. (1)
  • It is also known for curing respiratory problems like cough, bronchial irritation and helps in stimulating the health of the respiratory system. (1)
  • Yams are considered good for the digestive system, it helps in curing excessive gas, bloating and nausea, generally caused due to indigestion. They is possible only because it has content dietary fibre, which assure a smooth bowel movement. (2)
  • Being a great source of potassium that helps in regulating the nerve activity of the brain. As potassium affects the nerves activity, hence high content of potassium enhances the cognitive function of the brain. (2)

Selection Guide

Always go for yams that are bright in colour with no blemishes.


Yams od have some side effects, if not consumed in moderation, hence it should be avoided by lactating mother, as it might be fatal for the child. Moreover,  people with protein S deficiency should avoid the intake of yams because that might lead to an increased risk of forming blood clots. (3)

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