Yellow Corn Flour

Also Known As : Peele makee ka aata


Taste Profile

It is virtually tasteless but brings out earthy, sweet flavor to dishes when added.

Usage Tips

  1. Store yellow corn flour in an airtight container, at a cool, dry place. It can be stored for up to one year.
  2. Yellow corn flour can be used in combination with other flours for baked goods.
  3. It can be used as an ingredient in bakery mixes, cookies, pasta, snack foods, and cereals.
  4. It can be used to prepare muffins, pancakes, polenta, cornbread, and tortillas. It can be used for gluten-free quick breads.
  5. It can be used as a thickening agent for gravies, soups, stews, and sauces. It can also be mixed with liquids to make a batter for crispy dishes when deep fried.

Common names and forms

  1. Degemed Yellow Corn Meal
  2. Degerminated Yellow Corn Flour


Yellow corn flour is simply corn meal that has been milled to a fine flour. It is made from the whole dried kernels of yellow corn. The germ and bran is removed from cleaned yellow corn and subsequently grinding and bolting the endosperm (to separate and retain the coarse parts, with a sieve). It is in the form of yellow, free-flowing powder and has a fine, smooth texture. It is used in combination with other flours in baking. It is also considered as a thickener (increase the viscosity of a liquid without altering its properties) and a binding agent (hold the materials together to form a cohesive whole).

Health benefits

  • Provides energy: Yellow corn flour is made from corn, which is a carbohydrate producer. It gets digested at a slow pace and provides balanced energy levels to the body.(1)
  • Helpful during pregnancy: It is a good source of folic acid for pregnant women. Folic acid reduces the risk of giving birth to underweight kids and also prevents neural tube defects at the time of child birth.(1)
  • Cardiovascular benefits: It contains omega-3 fatty acids that helps to lower bad cholesterol levels and protect against heart diseases.(1)
  • Improves hair: It contains antioxidants like Vitamin C that strengthens the hair follicles and also makes hair smooth.(1)

Selection Guide

Yellow corn flour is easily available in grocery stores. Choose free flowing yellow corn flour in a well packaged form. Make sure the powder is free from moisture. Avoid if the powder looks clumpy. Check for the "use-by" date on its packaging.

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