Yellow Pea

Also Known As : Field Pea, Soup Pea, Dry pea, Matar Dal


Taste Profile

It has a mild, slightly sweet taste.

Usage Tips

  1. Yellow peas can be stored in an airtight container, an a cool, dark place for several months. They can be used in salads, soups, stews, curries, casseroles and meat patties. They can be prepared as a dal, the classic Indian dish.


Yellow peas are grown in North America and are part of the legume family. The skin of the peas is light yellow in color whereas their inside is darker yellow. They are used dried rather than eaten fresh and have a soft, granular texture. Their color fades when they are cooked and lend a thickening effect as they break down during cooking. Yellow peas(8 to 9 mm wide) are slightly larger than green peas(7.5 to 8.5 mm wide) and are popular in Nordic countries for stews, soups and curries.

Health benefits

  • Yellow peas are a good source of essential amino acids that are needed for growth and repair of body tissues.(1)
  • Soluble fiber present in yellow peas helps in delaying the emptying of the stomach contents. It enhances the feeling of fullness and prevents hunger, helping with weight management.(1)
  • Soluble fiber also helps to stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce blood lipids such as LDL cholesterol.(1)
  • Insoluble fiber in them promotes better digestion and prevents constipation.(1)
  • They are a good source of B-vitamins as well. Thiamine helps in energy metabolism, converting food into energy and promotes nervous system function. Folate promotes heart health and immune system function.(1)

Selection Guide

Yellow peas are available whole or split in half . Make sure they are not cracked and free from debris.

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