
Also Known As : Dehi (Urdu), Dahi (Hindi),yaourt (French),yogur ,yogurt (Spanish), Joghurt , Jogurt (German)
Technical Name : Lactobacillus bulgaricus


Taste Profile

Plain and simple, yogurt is the result of bacterial fermentation of milk and thus has a bit tangy to mild sour flavor

Usage Tips

  1. It can be used to make fruit smoothies by adding fruits and nuts.
  2. It can be consumed raw or paired with dried fruits to enhance its flavor.

Common names and forms

  1. Cup thick yogurt
  2. Fresh Yogurt
  3. Hung Yogurt
  4. Second marinade Yoghurt
  5. Strained Plain Yogurt
  6. Yoghurt (Dahi)
  7. Yoghurt/Curd
  8. Yogurt (Cultures)
  9. Yogurt Solid


Yogurt is a very famous dairy product that is made by the bacterial fermentation of milk. It is prepared by using similar techniques as that of curd preparation but in case of yogurt the fermentation of milk is done by adding two specific strains of bacteria called lactobacillus bulgaris and streptococcus thermophilus. Sometimes other strains of lactic acid bacteria may also be added to enhance the probiotic load. The bacterium produces lactic acid, which causes the milk proteins to curdle, giving the yogurt its unique flavor and texture. Yogurt can be made from all types of milk like low fat, no fat and full fat. The origins of yogurt are unknown, but it is thought to be invented in the Mesopotamian regions. Today many varieties of yogurt are available in the market, some of the commonly consumed varieties include greek yogurt, goat milk yogurt, sheep milk yogurt, soy yogurt, almond yogurt, and coconut yogurt.

Health benefits

  • Yogurt provides a good amount of protein that has been observed to support body metabolism by increasing energy expenditure. Yogurt, especially the Greek variety, is very high in protein content. (1) 
  • Consuming yogurt, especially the ones rich in probiotics have been shown to reduce inflammation, which is linked to several health conditions ranging from viral infections to gut disorders. (1) 
  • It is a rich source of nutrients like calcium, protein, potassium, and phosphorus. It prevents the weakening of the bones and onset of conditions like osteoporosis.(1) 
  • The potassium content of yogurt helps to eradicate excess of sodium from our bodies. It helps in maintaining sodium-potassium balance and restores blood pressure to normal levels. Consuming yogurt is highly suitable for people having high blood pressure problems. (2)
  • The probiotics present in yogurt works on building immunity and lowers the chances of contracting various illnesses. The amount of zinc obtained from yogurt also makes it an essential choice for good health. (2)

Selection Guide

Choose plain and unsweetened varieties as they contain minimal ingredients without any added sugar. Aim to go for a brand that contains probiotics.

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