Member Since

29 July, 2020

Naushaba Rezvi

GoToChef (level 9)










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Product Reviews (561)

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Darjeeling Loose Leaf Container 100 grams

Twinings -Darjeeling Loose leaf is one of the best product in market. I started using this product and having it makes me feel energetic and refreshing, its fragrance is one of the best of all the product i have ever had. As everyone knows Darjeeling tea is the best in the world.

02 September, 2020

Views : 0

Classics Earl Grey Tea Box 10 pcs

Twinings- Classics Earl Grey Tea is a very good product in its market can also aid digestion and digestion related problems. It is known to relieve constipation, acid reflux and intestinal infections to a large extent. Highly recommended for people who suffer from digistive problems.

02 September, 2020

Views : 0

Classics English Breakfast Tea Box 200 grams

Twinings- Classics English Breakfast tea is the best morning tea, for tea lovers they must try this whit their breakfast its fragrance is refreshing and energetic. I love this tea.

02 September, 2020

Views : 0

Green Tea Lemon & Honey Box 25 pcs

Twinings- Green Tea is a very healthy and is recommended by many health experts also green tea help to keep us healthy it contains elements which are linked many health benefits like it reduces changes of heart decease. It has a very nice fragrance in it too.

02 September, 2020

Views : 0

Pure Peppermint Box 20 pcs

Twinings - Pure Peppermint when it comes to relieving stress and anxiety, peppermint tea is one of the best allies. The menthol present in the herb is helping you relax amidst ongoing mental stress. Its very healthy i like this product and will definitely suggest everyone to have it.

03 September, 2020

Views : 0
Women's Horlicks

Caramel Flavour Box 400 grams

Women's Horlicks- Caramel Flavour Is a very good and healthy product i have been using this from last two months the Caramel Flavour in it makes it very tasty, it contains various types of nutrients in it which helps to keep our body healthy and energetic.

03 September, 2020

Views : 0

Green Tea Box 50 grams

Twinings - Green Tea is avery healthy product green tea helps in burning fats and keeps your heart healthy mamy health experts also recommend green tea to people with heart problems.

03 September, 2020

Views : 0
Women's Horlicks

Chocolate Flavour Box 400 grams

Women's Horlicks- chocolate flavour is very tasty to drink cause of its chocolate flavour and is also very healthy product everyone should have this drink as it is nutritious and good for health .

03 September, 2020

Views : 0

Lemon & Green Tea Dream Team Glass Bottle 250 millilitre

Mangajo - Lemon & Green tea is a very nice product it is very refreshing and good for health is helps us to be calm green tea u know is very good for health. I feel relaxed every time i drink this it makes me feel calm.

03 September, 2020

Views : 0
Himalayan Brew

Kangra Masala Chai Box 25 pcs

Kangra Masala chai is one of my favourite products i have always been a masala chai lover, kangra masal chai feels natural and refreshing. I use it every evening its refreshing and good taste.

04 September, 2020