Member Since

29 July, 2020

Naushaba Rezvi

GoToChef (level 9)










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Product Reviews (561)

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Tomato Ketchup Glass Bottle 200 grams

Top's tomatoe ketchup is a good product to go for it has a really good texture and it enhance the flavour of the food you are having it with

11 August, 2020

Views : 0

Mixed Pickle Pouch 200 grams

This top's mixed pickle has a really amazing taste i still remember i use to keep this packet any time in my hostel room because its easy to use and handy whenever the food is not so good I use to have it

11 August, 2020

Views : 0

Mixed Fruit Exotic Jam Glass Jar 250 grams

No other brand can beat the top's mixed fruit jam it has literally the taste of every fruit in it. Its so rich in flavour and has a thick texture.

11 August, 2020

Views : 0
Thums Up

Thums Up Tin 330 millilitre

Thums up is like an addiction. I'm a big fan of black cold drinks and my first choice is always Thums up the amount of fizz it has is totally different.

12 August, 2020

Views : 0

Guava Delight Tetra Pack 1 litre

Tropicana is the best company and the product of it are simply amazing this guava juice is my personal favourite the flavour and taste are so good.

12 August, 2020

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Wagh Bakri

Premium Leaf Tea Box 500 grams

The taste and aroma of wagh bakri tea is so damn good. The tea lovers are definitely going to love this. It's taste is something different that you don't get in any of the other tea.

12 August, 2020

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Women's Horlicks

Caramel Flavour Plastic Jar 400 grams

Women's horlicks is something that you will always find in my home my mother is a big fan of it. I recommend every women to have it it's amazing and good for your health.

12 August, 2020

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Nonfat Probiotic Drink Plastic Bottle 65 millilitre

Yakult is the most important part of my life Infact every one in my family have it daily without fail. You should have it on a regular basis its important for your health.

12 August, 2020

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Green Tea With Natural Jasmine Box 50 grams

Dilmah Green tea with jasmine is the best option till date. No other brand can beat the taste and aroma of Dilmah green tea it's simply amazing.

12 August, 2020

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Fresh & Pure

Kadak Classic Blend Assam Tea Pack 200 grams

Fresh and pure kadak classic is a perfect example of a kadak chai. This particular packet of tea will cheer up your mood and make you feel better.

12 August, 2020