Crunchy nutty pinni tarts Recipe

Pinnis which is winters special laddoo made using wholewheat flour and lots of nuts which is roasted in desi ghee. So i have made pinni tart topped with caramelised nuts which is perfect desserts for winter season.

  • Prep time:
  • 35minutes
  • cook time:
  • 1hrs 0mins
  • serves:
  • 4

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Level : Moderate

Cuisine : NA

Course : NA

Recipe Notes

For jaggery test : Put a small drop in water, check for crispiness it shouldn't be chewy in texture.


Ingredients For Crunchy nutty pinni tarts Recipe

  • 1. For tart : In a bowl add 100 gm Wholewheat flour and add 50 gm ghee, Mix it well till sandy texture then add powdered sugar and mix again till combines then add milk slowly till dough forms, Rest it for 10 min in freezer then roll it out using rolling pin and lined 4 tart moulds
  • 2. Bake lined tart moulds in preheated oven for 15 min at 170.c then cool down and keep aside
  • 3. For pinni : In a pan heat 100 gm ghee and add 250 gm Wholewheat flour and roast it at slow flame for 15 min till it turn light golden in colour and roasted smell will start coming.Then add 30 gm crushed almonds and cashewnuts along with seasme and poppy seeds and mix it nicely.
  • 4. With the heat of pinni mixture nuts will get roasted, once this mixture cools down a bit then add powdered sugar and mix well.
  • 5. Fill baked tart shells with the pinni mixture with light hands, do not fill it completely leave little space. Once fill let it set for few minutes.
  • 6. For nutty garnish : In a pan melt 50 gm jaggery and cook it for 8 min till hard ball stage, u can test it using cold water, put a small drop of jaggery in water and check if it sound crispy then its ready. Once its ready then add crushed Cashewnuts, almond and pistachio mix of 80 gm, mix it nicely
  • 7. Top this nutty garnish over set pinni tarts and let it cool down for 20 min.
  • 8. Your healthy pinni tarts are ready.

Products used in Recipe

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