A healthy and international twist to traditional dessert of Kerala..?
Payasam is the traditional dessert of Kerala, which is super easy and delicious.Its loaded with ghee which makes it tastes like heaven?
Method:Heat a tbs of Nova Ghee, saute the cashew nuts until golden brown. Remove from pan. Saute raisins until they puff up. Remove from pan. Saute pistachios and remove from pan.
In the same pan, add 2 -3 tbsp of more Nova Ghee and saute the Semiya on low heat until golden. Keep it aside.
Boil milk in a pan, add the roasted semiya and cook stirring until soft and tender.Once the semiya is cooked, add the sugar and milkmaid, mix well and cook for 2-3 minutes.Add cashew nuts, raisins, pistachios and cardamom powder. Your payasam ready.
Now Assembling:Layer parfait glasses with muesli, Semiya Payasam and pomegranate arils ( you can use any fruits of your choice) .Repeat layers. Garnish with sliced apples and roasted Semiya.
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