A good fish curry must have proper spices as it should not taste bland. This spice is really nice if you are planning to prepare fish as it adds a nice aroma and flavor to the dish.
It is very nicely packaged so that nothing gets spoilt inside. It is budget friendly and also very healthy in nature. It is rich in nutrients and must be consumed.
It is a really nice product. I always keep this with me in my hostel as it goes really well with bread and buns. It has a mint flavour that gives it a fresh flavour and aroma.
It is a perfect jain product and I really like it's flavour a lot. It tastes exactly like normal ketchup but the best part is it is made excluding onion and garlic.
It is a nice product that is packed in such a way that it doesn't taste stale and can be trusted. I really like it's texture as it is very soft and smooth.
It came out just like how I expected it to be. It is healthy and nutritious with proper supplements. It must be consumed by the people who wish to control their weight.
It has a thick consistency which is not found in any of the packed milk packet. It is quite impressive to use. It is given in substantial quantity and quality.
The thing I like msot about this product is that it has a mild flavour and not so much spicy. It can be used a pizza topings or with sandwiches and burgers.
I have personally tried this product and I found its flavour amazing. For cooking continental it is the one must thing to use. It has a pickle flavour that enhances it's taste.