Member Since

28 July, 2020

Hamza Mehdi Hasan

Explorer (level 1)










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Product Reviews (3)

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Nonfat Probiotic Drink Plastic Bottle 65 millilitre

Yakult as we all know is a Pro-biotic drink which is very healthy for consumption and provides ease in the human digestive system. The human digestive system plays a major role in the overall immunity and major health concerns, and thus a pack of Yakult with breakfast helps in improving it and can be consumed by all age groups.

28 July, 2020

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Coca Cola

Coca Cola Plastic Bottle 1.75 litre

Coca cola Or coke is an aerated non-alcoholic beverage which is not only widely sold across India but also abroad. It is a very popular drink which is generally consumed post meal or with it. It provides ease in digestion and also when served cold it helps in satisfying the person more along with the meal. It can be widely used to serve the guests during summer times.

28 July, 2020

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2-Minute Noodles Masala Pack 70 grams

What else could be better than a packet of Maggi for a bachelor? Kitchen without a packet of Maggi is incomplete at a bachelor's place. Not oy for them but it is very much liked by every person mainly children. A 12rs.packet of Maggi just requires 150 ml of hot water and the sachet of masala which comes along with it and just a stir of 2-3 minutes after the water boils, it does not only saves time but satisfies one with his/her appetite.

28 July, 2020