Member Since

06 February, 2021

Pritt Liza

Explorer (level 1)










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Product Reviews (5)

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Chia Box 150 grams

Found this amazing product on Goto Chef .. we all know how much protein is important for daily life food.. Chia seeds is an amazing source of plant protein ..

06 February, 2021

Views : 0
Tata Coffee

Grand Pack 90 grams

A good cup of coffee helps us having a good day ahead .. Whenever i have a drowsy morning i always look for a nice cup of coffee.. And I just say I have finally found my coffee mate ❤️

06 February, 2021

Views : 0

Masti Buttermilk Spiced Tetra Pack 200 millilitre

Whenever i used to come back from my hectic college classes i needed a refreshing drink .. yo restore my energy .. Here it us Amul buttermilk has been my constant friend for many years

06 February, 2021

Views : 0

Premium Chocolate Flavour Box 400 grams

We all know kids need something extra for thier growth.. And they often can't eat hard food so often deprived from the needed nutrition ?. So Pediasure can be excellent liquid food for your child.. To fulfill all it's nutrition

06 February, 2021

Views : 0
Queen's Quinoa

Grain Tin 250 grams

In 21st century weight gain is one of the biggest problem . To fix this we need to pick our food little consciously . So Queen's Quinoa is low is carb and full of nutrients with 0% cholesterol and very less fat... So this can be your life saver food.

06 February, 2021