Member Since

03 June, 2020

Shubhankar Agarwal

GoToChef (level 9)










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Product Reviews (1231)

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Basil Bottle 12 grams

It is a very nice herb which is mostly used in Italian cuisine to give a nice aroma and flavours to the dishes. It's high in vitamin A and K and rich in antioxidants. I highly recommend this product.

17 July, 2020

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Chai Masala Bottle 60 grams

Chai masala is made from such spices which are high at antioxidants and vitamins such as A, C, E and K. It's aroma spreads in the whole house and it also keeps us away especially from cough and cold.

17 July, 2020

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Lemongrass Bottle 15 grams

Lemongrass contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and folate (needed for the production of energy and red blood cells). Hence it is very very healthy plus it gave a nice flavour to drinks and dishes we add it in. It's great.

17 July, 2020

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Mexican Seasoning Bottle 50 grams

It's very nice and tasty. It is used in burgers, tacos, subs, hot dogs, etc. It gives a very nice flavour resulting in taking the dish on another level. Very very nice product.

17 July, 2020

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Mixed Herbs Bottle 20 grams

Herbs hit it perfectly. And several herbs, including parsley, have significant amounts of the essential vitamins A, C and K. But the true power of herbs lies in their wealth of protective polyphenols — plant compounds with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

17 July, 2020

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Parsley Bottle 15 grams

Contains many important nutrients. Parsley offers many more nutrients than people suspect. Rich in antioxidants, Contains cancer-fighting substances. I highly recommend this product.

17 July, 2020

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Pasta Seasoning Bottle 45 grams

It's great. It just enhances the flavours of any type of pasta. I highly recommend this product because it really gives a great flavour to my dishes.

17 July, 2020

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Pizza Seasoning Bottle 40 grams

It's a great product. I love it and it takes my pizzas on another level. It has herbs which are high in calcium and antioxidants especially oregano. I highly recommend this product.

17 July, 2020

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Rosemary Bottle 17 grams

Rosemary is a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which are thought to help boost the immune system and improve blood circulation. Laboratory studies have shown rosemary to be rich in antioxidants, which play an important role in neutralizing harmful particles called free radicals.

17 July, 2020

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Clove Powder Bottle 40 grams

Cloves contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals, so using whole or ground cloves to add flavor to your food can provide some important nutrients. It's a great product overall.

17 July, 2020