As the name suggests, it's pure bliss and luxurious indulgence! It's my mood elevator after a hard day's work. Comfort food when heated for a bit in a Microwave and eaten with a scoop of vanilla ice cream!! Heaven
I totally love it the fills are so yummy and delicious and the way they melt in mouth is just so delicious nothing is better then these. I never regret takin it anywhere its the best snack option anyone could have.
I dont like it personally as it has gas which i cant even drink it i luv soft drinks like slice , mazza ,apple juice but i dont like this and moreover it works as a toilet cleaner and i have experienced it.
I didnt loved it at all because of the taste its too sweet which is not loved by me and as well as my family and i only love orange flavour which is sour i loved that.
Its the best baking powder ever used in small quantity but works amazing and the brand itself speaks for it one pf the best baking powder amongst all and works heavenly.
I still remember the day i had that and obviously Orange juice is a favorite beverage high in antioxidants and micronutrients like vitamin C, folate, and potassium. Regular consumption has been associated with several health benefits, including improved heart health,
With the perfect balance of sweet and tart, this drink will leave you wanting for more with every sip that you take. Relish the goodness of litchis with this fruit drink that is not only delicious, but is also refreshing.