This is a delicious breakfast that makes our body emergetic for whole day in summer.Its a highly nutritious dish and also aids in weight loss.
Rolled oats are created when oat groats are steamed, and then they are rolled into flakes under ...
Baby bananas are small in size and have thin, bright yellow peel. They have a very dense creamy t ...
Kidds red apples have greenish-yellow skin with slightly red stripes and faint white spots on it. ...
Guava, which scientifically known as Psidium Guajava is an evergreen shrub that hails f ...
Jaggery Powder is derived from raw sugarcane without using any harsh chemicals.
Almond milk is a plant milk manufactured from almonds with a creamy texture and nutty flavor. Alm ...
Those who are allergic to jaggerry powder can use dates for sweetness. While blending the smoothie blend in pulse mode.Choose fruits of ur choice
Papaya is a tropical fruit of the Caricaceae family. The fruit is commonly spherical to cylindric ...
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Evergreen fasting recipe.
Classic Breakfast recipe
Easy tiffin recipe.
Healthy and yummy breakfast recipe.
Simple and interesting recipe for vegetarians.
Quick chatpata and healthy addition to plain papad.
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